Practiqué su lección de guitarra!
My brother is _______ princess .
A. a world
B. a friend
C. a little
D. a friend <span><em />I think it would beC
Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez, was born in 1579, Lima, Viceroyalty of Peru. I wouldn’t call this work but he would help out the injured or sick, do charity, and was really obedient. He was also the patron saint of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people. Martin de porres was born of a liaison between a Spanish grandee and a free black woman. But, Martín de Porres was raised in poverty and had studied under a surgeon making him able to understand and use the medicines to help others.
Compassionate and eager to serve, he began to volunteer with the Dominicans at age 15 and helped care for the sick in the monastery infirmary. He was known for his devotion to the Eucharist and constant prayer, and he refrained from eating meat as an act of austerity. In addition to his work in the infirmary, Martín distributed food and alms to the poor and needy in Lima. As for the youth of Lima, he established a school, considered by some to be his monument. When he had died his funeral was said to be an occasion of public honour, and many miracles were said to have occurred after his death.
Answer: 1) Nuestros representantes le dijeron al ejercito que luchen contra el terrorismo.
2) Yo aconsejo al gobierno defender a las victimas de la injusticia.
3)El partido opositor exijo a sus miembros poner mas atención.
4) Ellos le insistieron a la policía para encarcelar a los ladrones.
5) Tu le pediste a las instituciones que se dedicaran a mejorar la democracia.
6) La moderadora nos recomendó pelear contra el abuso de poder.
7)Te ruego te preocupes por los derechos humanos.
8)Ustedes me prohíben influir en las opiniones de mi familia.
Explanation: Para armar las oraciones tener en cuenta: el tipo de persona(singular/plural), conjugación de los verbos(presenta/pasado/futuro/singular/plural) y la coherencia y concordancia en la misma.
To assemble the sentences take into account: the type of person (singular / plural), conjugation of the verbs (presents / past / future / singular / plural) and the coherence and concordance in it.
I hope I have helped you.
Mi padre es ____________ y practica el derecho.
Answer: Mi padre es abogado y practica el derecho.
Translation: My father is a lawyer and practices law.
Mi prima es ________ y le gusta mucho pintar.
Answer: Mi prima es pintora y le gusta mucho pintar.
Translation: My cousin is a painter and she likes to paint a lot.
Mis abuelos son ________ de un restaurante mexicano en Tejas.
Answer: Mis abuelos son cocineros de un restaurante mexicano en Tejas.
Translation: My grandparents are chefs at a Mexican restaurant in Texas.
Mi hermano es ________ y trabaja con carros todo el día.
Answer: Mi hermano es mecánico y trabaja con carros todo el día.
Translation: My brother is a mechanic and works with cars all day.