It is one of at least five forms of locomotion used by snakes, the others being lateral undulation, sidewinding, concertina movement, and slide-pushing. Unlike all other modes of snake locomotion, which include the snake bending its body, the snake flexes its body only when turning in rectilinear locomotion.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling review – a send-off fit for a wizard. By book seven, if you are familiar with Rowling's vast, quarters, that Rowling's writing is not merely mediocre but contaminated by her
The author of the passage includes facts to refresh the reader about the story and the background of the text.
The top answer is the correct choice
Environmental sustainability refers to the need for us as humans to use the environment in such a way that is beneficial to both us and the environment such that it is preserved for future generations.
It involves activities that use the resources on earth in the most efficient manner such that we can get as much as we can whilst preserving the most we can as well.
In the 21st century, we have seen strides towards more environmental sustainability in many ways such as the increasing investment into alternative energies.