Genetics comes with birth and is from previous ancestors. It's genetic code, also known as DNA. You are born with your genetics inherited from your parents.
Pythons have jaws that are connected by flexible ligaments so they can stretch around large prey and then swallow it.
Plants do not have any personality
Humans bodies change a lot and plants doesn't
Plants are easier to keep track of
They use mutualism, echo-location to communicate.
It is a unique social interactions that are used by spinner dolphins and pilot whales. They spin as a social interaction, they start to hunt.
It is the mutualism, because create a bait ball of the fish they want to eat.
The spinner Dolphins ( Stenella longirostris ) commonly use inshore island and atoll habitats for daytime rest and social interactions and forage over deep waters at night. In Hawaii, they occur throughout the archipelago.
The pilot whales are in fact one of the largest members of the dolphin family, but they are treated as whales for the Marine Mammals Protection Regulations 1992. Although they are named pilot whales because it was thought that each pod followed a 'pilot' in the group.
To learn more about mutualism here