C. The Oregon Country
The Oregon Country was acquired in June 1846, at a time of James K. Polk's term, a president characterized for his advocacy for American westward expansion
The United States' occupation of Oregon Country started in 1818 by Britain's consent. And by the 1840s, Americans outnumbered British people. In 1845, the United States tried to negotiate the division of the Oregon territory, and a year later in June, both nations finally agreed to divide the territory at the 49th parallel.
"Oregon Country" is now the American's states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, as well as portions of Montana and Wyoming.
Some of the social similarities between classical Greece and Rome are as follows:
1. Within both Greece and Rome there was social classes. This class system was created by wealth differentiation amongst the citizens. The social classes within Greece were; slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens and women. While in Rome there were; slaves, freedmen, plebeians and patricians.
2. Both Greece and Rome practiced polytheistic religion. This means that they believed in more than one gods.
It was the use of the Atomic Bomb. Having won the war in Europe, the Americans
and their allies concentrated their efforts on the Far East. Japan refused to surrender despite the
on-going bombings and destruction of her army.
They also threatened to kill American POWs if they U.S. invaded Japan. Truman
ordered the use of the atomic bomb. It was
used in Hiroshima on August 6 then again on Nagasaki on August 9 resulting to
Japan’s surrender.
La palabra "cementerio", que se deriva del griego antiguo, significa "lugar para dormir". Así que esas inscripciones en las lápidas de los cementerios que dicen "Descanso eterno" o "Descansa en paz" tienen mucho sentido.
En ellos, los cuerpos reposan en hileras bajo monumentos de piedra y mármol como si estuvieran acostados en dormitorios secretos.
Además, excepto para aquellas personas sensibles a las películas de terror, los cementerios – desde la isla veneciana de San Michele hasta la colección de tumbas de mafiosos italianos que da hacia Manhattan en el cementerio Calvary, de Queens- son realmente lugares de descanso rodeados de una sensación de ensueño y de escape al otro mundo frente las ruidosas ciudades a las que sirven.
Obra del trabajo de habilidosos diseñadores, arquitectos, escultores y jardineros, los cementerios citadinos pueden resultar descorazonadoramente hermosos.
Pero, aunque generalmente son refugios de vida silvestre, objeto de cautivadores ensayos en la historia del gusto y el diseño y una mirada fascinante sobre las convenciones sociales y las creencias religiosas, su origen fue espeluznante