<em>"Inside a community there are a number of individuals who belongs to different social and cultural backgrounds. As they live inside a given region or space having an interaction with each other."</em>
Now, if the community decides to create there own law. Then there must be some areas to cover by them, because one can not just make a law and implement it on others. The law must hold some value and should be valid for all reason.
But, here are the few areas and ideas that a community must look for in order to have a better system of law.
<u>Individuals should be treated as equal:</u> Inside a community no specific person, culture or race should be favored while all should be treated as one. As there is no one above the law.
<u>Fair trial system for all:</u> If any person commits a crime he or she should be treated accordingly, and full procedure of trial and court should be there for the situation.
<u>Protection of Individuals rights and property:</u>Inside a community, each individual basic rights and property should be kept protected by the law or the system, in order to maintain a level of protection and harmony inside the community.
Some characteristics include being more artificial, with exaggerated proportions, and distorted perspectives. Mannerism took influences from the high renaissance period.