Yes they do
Here's a example if you were to be not smart people would treat you like a baby, it you weren't they would treat you normally. But Based on expectations heres an example ; When Obama was president people expected him to be racist, so they all treating him rudely with most disrespect. And when Trump was in there people all knew he was racist so we all wanted him impeached. hfsdbhvld I hope this helped. ;)
☁︎makes long-distance speaking faster but speech can come off in the wrong tones☁︎
Doodle was pushing himself too hard trying to catch up to his brother in the rain. So when he sat down next to a tree because he couldn't run anymore.
He died leaning against that tree, all flimsy and small like that red bird that fell out of that tree before, which was foreshadowing his death.
Good Luck! :)
This is a pun even though it seems more like a play on words i would say this is a pun because it dosen't use like or as and isn't comparing anything