The following lines show us that Haemon believes that the opinions of the Theban citizens should be heeded:
"The commons stand in terror of thy frown,
And dare not utter aught that might offend,
But I can overhear their muttered plaints,
Know how the people mourn this maiden doomed
For noblest deeds to die the worst of deaths."
The citizens, according to Haemon, are too scared of defying Creon; however, Haemon can hear their objections to his decision, and he knows that they are on Antigone's side. They believe she is dying unfairly, and he respects their opinion, which is why he brings it to his father.
Annie Dillard read the book 'The Field Book of Ponds and Streams' so many times as she found what she herself did not know she was looking for, the essential tools for naturalist trade.
"An American Childhood" is a memoir of Annie Billard. She wrote about her childhood and her high school days in the book.
In her book, she conveyed the message that how books help people to connect with each other emotionally as well as mentally. As Annie was an earnest reader, so when she was twelve years old, she enrolled herself in the nearest library, in Homewood. In that library, she found the book titled "The Field Book of Ponds and Streams."
<u>She states that she read it several times especially chapter 3 of the book, which explains the essential tools for naturalist trade. Till she read that chapter, she herself was unaware of what she was looking for. The book unveiled to her many words of water and the life of insects. </u>
<u>She used to read the book every year and used to go through the list of names of people who borrowed that book to know that there are other people like her who are eager to find out about the 'ponds' and 'streams.'</u>