It would be the girls’ dogs since there are multiple owners of the dogs. You keep the girls plural and use the apostrophe at the end to make it girls’ since it is both plural and possessive.
Parents,Family members,Friends,all shape one's worldview and teach them how to respond to different things in life.This influence can either push one to repeat or work towards living and believing differently.Although one's life is not destined to follow in their upbringing,it will always have some influence.
The mood that these words help create is one of despair and difficulty. Clearly the narrator is struggling, he actually uses the words "difficult" and "struggling" clearly within his paragraph. Other words that contribute to this mood of despair are "fear", "faint", and "hungry". A person usually only feels these things and discusses them when they are in a place that is dangerous and that they have no real hope of getting out of.
The correct answer is C.The true brotherhood of america,of respecting the separateness of others. . . and uniting in effort . . . has been so twisted and distorted