Fiscal policy is a mechanism the government employs to influence the economy. Fiscal policy is based on. the government's taxing and spending decisions.
Hope this helps
Los movimientos campesinos tienen una larga historia que se remonta a los numerosos levantamientos campesinos que ocurrieron en varias regiones del mundo a lo largo de la historia humana. Los primeros movimientos campesinos fueron generalmente las sociedades resuo [[]] feudales y semifeudales, y dieron lugar a levantamientos violentos. Los movimientos más recientes, que se ajustan a las definiciones de movimientos sociales, suelen ser mucho menos violentos y sus demandas se centran en mejores precios para los productos agrícolas, mejores salarios y condiciones de trabajo para los trabajadores agrícolas y aumento de la producción agrícola.
Las políticas económicas de los británicos afectaron negativamente a los campesinos indios bajo el gobierno británico, protegiendo a los terratenientes y prestamistas mientras explotaban a los campesinos. Los campesinos se rebelaron contra la injusticia en muchas ocasiones. Los campesinos de Bengala formaron su sindicato y se rebelaron contra la obligación de cultivar índigo.
Anthony Pereira, politólogo, ha definido un movimiento campesino como un "movimiento social integrado por campesinos (pequeños terratenientes o trabajadores agrícolas en grandes fincas), generalmente inspirado en el objetivo de mejorar la situación de los campesinos en una nación o territorio
The end of World War ll led directly to the Cold War, which primarily led to the end of communism in Russia
a great result of the crusades were advances in military technology. After the initial invasion, crusaders fought a largely defensive war, which led them to become particularly skilled in the art of building castles.
On the morning of January 30, 1968 just as people were preparing for the lunar new year, 13 cities in Central South Vietnam were attacked by the Viet Cong forces. Twenty four hours later, cities, towns, government buildings, U.S. and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) military bases throughout South Vietnam were also hit in a total of over 120 attacks. In Saigon, a platoon of Viet Congs were able to enter the U.S. embassy's courtyard before it was crushed. The Viet Cong forces were daring and the attacks were well planned and it also showed that the Viet Congs could not be trusted. For several years during the Vietnam war, there was always an informal truce between North Vietnam and South Vietnam during the lunar new year, Tet being the most important date in the Vietnamese calendar.