Enclosure - recinto
There are more elefantes than dogs - <span>Hay más elefantes que los perros</span>
Hey man/girl, I would love to help you, but I cant when we cant hear what its saying, so therefore we cant help you unless you somehow post a recording of how it sounds so we can tell you the answer, I'd be happy to help, just post a recording or send a message of the recording so I can tell you the answer
Cristóbal Colón llega a las Américas: mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos (1492)
Termina la guerra entre España y los Estados Unidos: mil ochocientos noventa y ocho (1898)
Termina la presidencia de George W. Bush: dos mil nueve (2009)
Neil Armstrong camina en la Luna: mil novecientos sesenta y nueve (1969)
Christopher Columbus arrives in the Americas: fourteen ninety two (1492)
The war between Spain and the United States ends: eighteen ninety eight (1898)
The presidency of George W. Bush ends: two thousand and nine (2009)
Neil Armstrong walks on the moon: nineteen sixty-nine 1969)