The conclusion about the Holy Office of the Portuguese Inquisition in Brazil is best supported by the passage that it investigated whether beliefs were contrary to Catholic teachings.
The main objective of the Holy Office was to investigate and judge cases where Catholicism was violated, that is, to eradicate individuals who had converted to other religions, such as Judaism.
The Portuguese inquisition expanded to the Portuguese colonies in:
The Inquisition therefore had an influence on the social, political and cultural life of the Portuguese and their colonies. There were investigations into cases of witchcraft, book censorship, and accusations of heresy, which culminated in trials and arrests.
So the correct alternative is the letter A.
Find more information about the Portuguese Inquisition here:
One major problem that has resulted from globalization in the 20th and 21st century is that the diseases are able to spread around the world more quickly.
Globalization has reached a point that the problems of one country are likely to affect the whole world since the world is nowadays like a global village.
mark me brainliest XD
Life drastically changed for African Americans after the Civil War. For one, they were now free -- after Lincoln freed the slaves in his Emancipation Proclamation. In the years that followed, little by little, freedoms were given. The black codes were overturned, and African Americans could vote and raise their families. But discrimination in the South was still relevant, and treatment towards African Americans in the former Confederate states worsened.
Muy arriba en la cordillera, un jovenquechua cotidianamentecultivaba la tierra y mientrasdescansabade sus labores tocaba la flauta que siempre llevabaconsigo, llenando el aire demelodías suavesy dulces. Sin embargo, él no sentíapena ninguna por los sentimientospropios de su juventud, así como tampoco tenía placeres en tenerlos.Le sucedióun día que cuando más absortoestaba tocando la flauta, llegó hasta él unavirgen sacerdotisa del Sol y comenzó a preguntarle por sus cultivos.El labriego, al momento de verla, turbadohincó las rodillas en el suelo, maravilladode sugran hermosura. Entonces ella le pidió que no temiese y estuvieron mucho tiempoconversando.Las sacerdotisas del Sol podían pasearde día por la Tierra y ver sus verdes prados, pero nopodían faltarde noche en el templo del Sol. Ellas vivían en suntuosasmoradasycon aposentosricamente labrados. Eran muchas, traídas de cada una de las cuatroprovincias dependientes del Inca.Al atardecer, la muchacha se despidió del labriego y en el camino iba recordando su figura ytodo lo que habían hablado. Al llegar, luego de pasar frente a los guardias que cuidabaneltemplo, entró en su aposento y en él permaneció largo rato, sin encontrar sosiegopor elgran amor que había cobrado al joven quechua.
We see development in new technologies and big industrial factories like are seen today
This shows that a lot of what happened during that period influenced today's world.