Patrick Henry, a great orator from Virginia was the one who raised his voice against the British policies. He was a lawyer and patriot and gave the famous slogan " give me liberty or give me death ". He was the one who supported right to bear arms and fought against the stamp act. He was one of the founding fathers of American revolution and after Declaration of Independence he was made the governor of Virginia.
I'm pretty sure that (A) is the correct answer
It would be the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union in which Reagan fought any progressive movements like the Sandinistas in NIcaragua by funding the contras and also he bombed Kaddafi in Libya by trying to make him out to be a tyrant when in fact it turns out that he transformed Libya into one of the most modern and progressive countries in Africa under him.
A. Girl with a Pearl Earring
A. Girl with a Pearl Earring
B because they were the suing the school board