One major trade Egypt consisted of was Wheat.
The presidents power to convene congress is a check he or she must inform congress of the State of the Union, can convene one or both houses of congress under "extraordinary occasions."
I'd say to a pretty good extent.
Here's a list of the benefits:
"-it contributed to the US becoming a Global Power
-brought the US together with other Nations (Transportation)
-made products more affordable
-production of things is must faster and this allows us to get more goods
-left a better and easier way of life for those struggling
-better living conditions today
<span>-make our society more efficient and convenient </span>
-allowed more opportunities to arise for people (first man on the moon)
-population and life expectancy increased
<span>-allows us to learn/discover more about the past"</span>
B. 1952, Eisenhower.
General Dwight Eisenhower , the hero of World War Two, won the 1952 presidential election by a landslide. He got 442 electoral votes, against the merely 89 votes his Democratic rival Adlai Stevenson got. The former general won Texas, getting its 24 electoral votes. Since the Reconstruction Era, the South had been a bastion of the Democrats. He also got Florida and its 10 electoral votes (in 1952).
An event form the Gilded age that supports that “farmer were up in arms” is when a national organization of farmers met in Ocala, Florida, in 1890 to address the problems of rural America and create a platform. They demanded that Treasury notes and silver be used to increase the amount of money in circulation and they attacked the two major parties as loyal to big businesses and Wall Street Bankers. Evidence that would support the statement about farmers in this era “His burdens are heavier every year and his gains are more meager” is the falling prices of wheat, cotton and other crops due to increased American production. As prices fell, farmers needed to grow more and more to pay off old debts, which caused even lower prices. This vicious cycle led to more debts and foreclosures.What the writer most likely had in mind when he stated, “he is beginning