Actually, I would argue that to some extend all of them are true:
An opinion is a personal view or attitude.
-this is definitely true, it's basically a definition of an opinion
An opinion is often indicated by the use of adjectives.
-this is true! for example "my teacher is nice"
An opinion is often used as evidence in a news article.
-this is the weakest statement (but I think that it's still not false). I would however choose this as the right answer: opinion is not an evidence for anything except this opinion ( so it's valid for example for the news of "the president thinks that" if the opinion is that of the president.
An opinion has the potential to promote bias.
- this is true!
mental filter
In mental filter disorder person focus only on one aspect of situation rather than whole situation. Person show biased behavior and tend to consider only one and small aspect of situation. Mostly in this disorder people only tend to overthink the negative aspect of situation.
Investing in human capital is extremely important in order for a business to thrive in today’s marketplace, and also for economic improvement.
The Maurya Empire was founded around 321 B.C.E. by Chandragupta Maurya
A responsibility is something you have to do or (at least) ought to do. A right is something you are allowed to do or permitted to do. You have no obligation to exercise your right.