The advantage with social media devices such as these is
that they allow you to connect with people faster than ever. Whether you post a message, upload a video or
chat, it is all there. It makes finding
people easier. It’s also a good
alternative to a website to promote things.
The disadvantage is that what you
posts will be there for all to see. Your information can hacked and then there’s
the issue of cyber-bullying and stalking.
In the case of a positive relationship between two variables, all else remaining constant:
- The value of the two variables will move in opposite directions from each other.
- graphically, the data line representing the relationship between the variables has a positive slope
A positive relationship is also termed as direct relationship. It is a correlation among two variables that travel in the identical direction. The graph for a positive (direct) connection signifies which is becoming weaker (less steep). A positive relation is upward-sloping.
A graph permits us to imagine the connection among two variables. If the graph of the connection among two variables slopes up to the right, the association within the variables is positive. The graph of a positive correlation can have a slope that becomes smaller when moving rightward along the graph.
Stickers, signs, or other materials can be attached to the front windscreen in the lowest corner, furthest from the driver, within a 5 inch square or within a 7 inch square, in the lowest corner on the driver's side of the windscreen: False
Depending on the State a driver ride in, there are various guideline which clearly stipulate the law concerning stickers,sign or any other material on the front windscreen. For instance in Nebraska, it is unlawful to drive with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wing vents, or side or rear windows other than a certificate or other paper required to be so displayed by law and In North Carolina, It prohibited, except those required by law or approved by commissioner.
The size of any stickers, sign or any other material on the front windscreen must not exceed five(5) inches
It's one of the most tried and trusted forms of advertisements. It is a scenario in which a person testifies to the possible effects of the product or services. Especially if the testifier is well known, hence the use of celebreties as in this case, an actor.
Answer: noticing that the front door has two locks on it