Romans accomplished remarkable engineering projects though some were upgrades of other cultures inventions.
Romans introduced innovations to the near East AQUEDUCTS some of which are still standing and which brought drinking water into cities. Romans also built ROADS and many of them are still in use today.
They also built large stone BRIDGES using concrete and iron clamps. CONCRETE increased the constructions’ strength and some bridges are still standing today as the Alcántara.
TUNNELS and ROADS were also important engineering accomplishments from the Romans. Romans are known to have had high MINING TECHNOLOGY, MILLS and WEAPONS.
The excerpt exemplifies the ideas King describes in "Danse Macabre" as it provides a “single powerful spectacle” for the imagination’s eye
This part of the story refers to a man that is facing death but no one can help him. This particular situation invites readers to put in the same position of this man, this struggle against death become an spectacle for the readers imagination.
I'm pretty sure it's: Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner with a cane. Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was an avowed Abolitionist and leader of the Republican Party. After the sack of Lawrence, on May 21, 1856, he gave a bitter speech in the Senate called "The Crime Against Kansas."
That's all I remember and hope this helps ^^
~A.W ~ZoomZoom44