Athena is not using Telemachus simply for her own ends.
Athena inspires Telemachus to embark on a journey that is the story of the first five books of the Odyssey. In the form of Mentes, a comrade Odysseus, Athena inspires Telemachus, giving him hope that his father is still alive and that the only way to find out the truth about his return is to go search for him personally. Again, in book two, Athena keeps the story going by making sure Telemachus continues on his journey to find his father. After giving a speech to the assembled people of Ithaca on how the suitors are ravaging his father’s wealth, Telemachus loses confidence in his ability to carry out Athena’s plan. However, Athena reassures him with her supportive words. Bolstered by Athena’s words Telemachus continues to prepare for his journey with newfound vigor.
La visión sobre el ser humano y la propia sociedad cambió radicalmente entre el medioevo y el renacimiento. Específicamente, la concepción del hombre en su relación con lo divino, con la naturaleza y con el poder se modificó abruptamente.
Así, durante la Edad Media la concepción del hombre dentro de la sociedad era la de un simple siervo de Dios, enmarcado en sociedades de profunda ideología religiosa que regulaba con sus propios dogmas el comportamiento de los individuos. A su vez, el poder político obtenía su legitimación de la propia religión, con lo cual la servidumbre se trasladaba a los señores feudales y los reyes que ejercían el poder en dicha época. Por lo tanto, la humanidad era teocentrista, basando su propia existencia en la visión religiosa y la adoración de un Dios.
En cambio, el Renacimiento vino a romper con dicha estructura de pensamiento. En esta etapa, se pasó de considerar a la religión como fuente de legitimación política, cultural e intelectual a poner dicha legitimación en la razón y los hechos objetivos, desplazando a Dios del centro de la escena y poniendo al hombre en su lugar. La sociedad, entonces, se convirtió en antropocéntrica, basando su propia existencia en el bienestar del hombre y el razonamiento como método de justificación de las relaciones humanas y de poder, surgiendo como consecuencia el reconocimiento de los principales derechos humanos a la vida y la libertad.
In the event a governor dies, resigns or is removed from office, the lieutenant governor usually will become governor. In 25 states, the governor and lieutenant governor are elected on the same ticket, making sure that they come from the identical political party.
Charles was King, Cromwell was King in all but name. Both had their own "Personal Rules" Charles from 1629 to 1640 and Cromwell from 16th December 1653 to 3rd September 1654 when they ruled without Parliament. Both had their own council of advisors; Charles had a privy council and Cromwell had a Council of State
The first branch produces... or (i forgot its name) branch. It makes the law idea. The new law then goes to the approval branch. They either vote it good, or trash it. If it is good, then it goes to the supreme court where the law is checked over by the judges and law members to make sure it follows the constitution. If they approve it, it becomes a law...