No, old age COULD mean death, but we do not know. Young children, or young people are also subjects of death. We do not know our time when we go. It all depends MOSTLY on your lifestyle, smoking, drinking (bad things) can lead to death very fast. But, young people, they are not allowed to do those things, and our teachers, help us not to so we live a long,good life. We have red-ribbon week for a reason, to help people get out of bad-habits that WILL takeaway their life one day. Old age can mean anything, As well as young age.
The significance of this statement is that you need to reflect on who your friends are and if you could really consider them as your friend. You need to evaluate if they value you as a friend and that they will always be there to celebrate in the good times and provide support in the bad times.
2 and 7
4 and 9
1 and 6
3 and 8
5 and 10
The quote means that to be a part of your community, you have to be like everyone else. If you are not like everyone else than the other people in the community will just ignore you or treat you as an outsider.
Explanation: an- a
Nome Alaska- Nome, Alaska
wasnt- wasn't
Travel- Traveling by air
life-saveing- saving
balto- Balto
a husky named balto- a husky named balto,
threw- through
return- returned
was all most- was about