To stabilize the other elements
For doctors
and nurses to obtain an accurate result during a complete physical examination
of a patient, the necessary equipment and supplies should be prepared before
the procedure. Here’s a list of the things that should be present in getting a
patient’s blood and urine specimens:
For urine
</span>Sterile specimen cup = obtained from the
</span>Cotton ball = to clean the area before
urinating to avoid entry of external bacteria
For blood
</span>Sterile syringes
</span>Blood culture bottles
</span>Alcohol swab = to clean the area where the blood
sample will be taken
</span>Sterile cotton balls
bone marrow transplant, blood transfusion, chemotherapy
its correct on edge
1. This type of immunity would be <span>passive artificial immunity. Passive artificial immunity is the injection of serum that makes human body invulnerable to specific diseases. But the effect of this serum is temporary. To refresh its effect you should to make the injection again. Sure, you can do it only in advice of your doctor.
2. </span> According to the information given above, I think that the nurse is aware that the most serious toxic effect of acute acetaminophen overdose is <span>hepatic necrosis. Hepatic necrosis is a serious liver failure that can be caused by toxic injuries of acute acetaminophen (or others medicines) overdose.
3. In my opinion, nurse should respond like this: "</span><span>It is normal for children this age to regress during a stressful event like a hospitalization. Try to calm down your child and say her that everything is going to be okay."
4. The most appropriate response by the nurse is: </span><span>"Tattoos are invasive and there is the potential for disease with their application." Girl should find tattoo parlor with appropriate conditions to make tattoo without a risk getting infected.
5. Referring to Women's Health Initiative study, hormone replacement therapy has a potential risk of breast cancer</span> and myocardial infarction and stroke may outweigh the potential benefit of alleviating symptoms associated <span>with menopause.
6. I am completely sure that the most likely cause is </span>fibrocystic disease, which results from <span>hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Sure it's necessary to undergo medical examination to prevent the possible breast cancer.
7. I think that the cause of her vaginitis is antibiotics. Long antibiotic therapy eliminate bacilli that create healthy vaginal environment. This can lead to growth of microorganisms which can lead to vaginitis.
8. According to the information given above, the nurse should say that girl needs to avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent a common side effect of this medication. Prolonged sun exposure can cause scorches.
9. The nurse should recommend him to recheck his blood pressure within two months. Hypertension is more prevalent in black communities and blood pressure 150/90 mm Hg is not normal. So it would be necessary to check his pressure at least every 2 months.
10. As far as I remember "</span>A spinal cord injury patient has no awareness of the need to void" is considered as a r<span>eflex (neurogenic) incontinence. Reflex incontinence is caused by a dysfunction in the detrusor muscle.
11. I am definitely sure that the nurse should encourage the patient to see her gynecologist as soon as possible. In </span><span>perimenopausal period all women should make annual checkups that include vaginal examination.
12. In my view, when planning this patient's care, the nurse should prioritize the r</span>isk for infection related to suppressed bone marrow function. There is a risk of leukopenia and subsequent infection because <span>doxorubicin suppresses bone marrow function.
13. I think that the most appropriate explanation of the disease sounds like this: "</span>Tissue similar to the lining of the uterus has implanted in areas outside the uterus." A benign lesion grows <span>aberrantly anywhere in the pelvic cavity outside the uterus.
14. I am pretty sure that w</span>hen the needle is inserted and the mass is no longer palpable, this mass may become cystic and was ruptured when the needle was <span>inserted.
15. </span><span>The nurse recognizes in this situation the boy's attempt to master the primary developmental step of school age, which is called industry. Industry is a sense of learning how to master your skills. In this situation, boy wants to show the nurse his skills and then to master them because he wants to become a doctor. </span>
A. First degree burn: Submerge in cold water for 10 minutes.
First degree burns are characterized by redness and some swelling. You can treat it by submerging affected area in water, or just leave it under running water. Do not put ice!
B. Second degree burn: Elevate burned area
Second degree burns are usually characterized by the formation of blisters. You can submerge them in water as well for about 20 minutes. But to control inflammation, raise the affected area above the heart if possible.
C. Third degree burn: Avoid submerging in water
Third degree burns are the most severe burns. The first two layers of the skin are destroyed. You should avoid submerging these type of wounds in water. Instead, use a cold cloth and pat the area but only as a last result, if immediate help is not possible. But as much as possible, rush the patient to the hospital ASAP.