It is important to have a job because that is the way to earn money, and we need money so we could survive. But, actually, that is not the only reason why a job is so important to us. It is also important that we do what we like, because that improves our life's quality. If we have a job that we consider as important and meaningful, and we do it good, it will help us to feel that we live a meaningful life. On the other hand, if we are work something we don't like, our life will be stressful and disgustful.
Advertising. This is something that impacted people in many ways. Think about it, when you walk down the isle to look at cereal. Which box looks more appealing? Most people would say the name brand box with a character or picture on it.
In the very first scene, the witches chant "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." This is foreshadowing on several levels. First of all, they are foreshadowing the unnatural events that are going to take place in the play, since only something unnatural can be foul and fair at the same time. Secondly, they are foreshadowing Macbeth's exterior versus his interior and how that will change through the play. He will become fair on the outside but foul on the inside when he welcomes Duncan into his home while planning to murder him. -MsLit
7.9 Age Word Problems
One application of linear equations is what are termed age problems. When solving age problems, generally the age of two different people (or objects) both now and in the future (or past) are compared. The objective of these problems is usually to find each subject’s current age. Since there can be a lot of information in these problems, a chart can be used to help organize and solve. An example of such a table is below.