Has your mental health decreased or increased?
Did you feel like mentally tired?
Excellence is always a good thing. It’s what makes you, you. It shows what your good at and what your not.
according to my research author wanted that a nation 's valuable and most precious thing is their culture and archaeological treasure protect it until you die
Answer: The answer is (B) microphone and speakers are not example of visual channels
Explanation: Visual communication is the practice of graphically representing information to create meaning effectively and efficiently. Visual channels are means of conveying ideas, emotions, knowledge, data that can be seen
Hand gesture and body language is a good example of visual channels in public speaking. Hand gesture and body language can help communicate better. It aids visual channels in public speaking. A hand gesture is whenever you move your hand or head to express an idea. It helps describe what you’re talking about.
Furthermore, Charts, graphs and projected images are substantial example of visual channels in public speaking. They are used in creating meaning to a target audience.