the creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking
Hi! I would love to help you but could you show or tell me what you need help with?
14 Green Meadows,
22nd June, 2020.
Dear James,
How are you doing? How are the kids? I know Sally is keeping the house lively, because i know that left to you and little Michael, that house would be more silent than a graveyard.
I traveled down to Connecticut to visit my cousin just to have a change of scenery and so far I've had quite an experience here. The food is different, the weather is hotter down here and it appears there is a higher crime rate here. I'm adjusting nicely though.
I attended a football game last weekend and it was really fun. Connecticut is a fun place to be in, provided you don't stay out after 11, haha.
I have a date with a gorgeous lady tomorrow, i met her at the football game. She was supporting the home team though, but this shows that opposites attract, right?
I would be going back to California next week though, i would make a brief stop to see my brother before completing the journey home.
Greet Sally and Michael for me, tell them i would come over for Thanksgiving and that i love them. Take care, James.
Yours faithfully,
Materials that are not written are often called unwritten resources
The poem suggests that the deferred dream could “dry up” or “fester like a sore”; it might “stink like rotten meat … Or crust and sugar over / like a syrupy sweet." Each of these images suggests something spoiling, losing potency, or outright decaying
The poem suggests that the deferred dream could “dry up” or “fester like a sore”; it might “stink like rotten meat … Or crust and sugar over / like a syrupy sweet." Each of these images suggests something spoiling, losing potency, or outright decaying