In 1913, Wilson signed the bill to create the Federal Reserve System, which acts as the central bank of the United States, has instruments of state influence, but the form of ownership of capital is private - joint-stock with special status of shares.
On the basis of proposals by Wilson, Congress passed two new antitrust laws in 1914 - the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Act Complementing Existing Laws Against Unlawful Restrictions and Monopolies and Other Purposes.
Stepping on the path of political activity, Wilson felt and embodied in his activity the reformist impulse that permeated all the pores of American society in the first decades of the twentieth century; as governor, he supported anti-corruption and social laws. The New Freedom platform and actions as president became a continuation of this course in different directions: from customs and tax policy (Underwood Act, 1913), the banking and financial system (Federal Reserve Act, 1913) to antitrust and labor law (Clayton’s Law, 1914) and a number of others.
The correct answer is c. to discuss plans to build an atomic bomb
The creation of the Atomic bomb was a secret and the world found out about it when it was thrown in Japan. This was not discussed at the Tehran conference.
sugar, textiles and clothing, furniture, chemicals, petroleum, metals, rubber, tourism
Chester Nimitz
Nimitz, (born Feb. 24, 1885, Fredericksburg, Texas, U.S.—died Feb. 20, 1966, near San Francisco), commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet during World War II. One of the navy's foremost administrators and strategists, he commanded all land and sea forces in the central Pacific area.
You must me 17 years of age to serve in the military