Read the beginning of the story below and consider how the characters, setting, and mood interact to drive the story forward: Th
is was the moment Zachary had been waiting for. He had rehearsed his lines for weeks, silently in his head as he biked to school, out loud in the mirror when he was home alone, and, to get used to an audience, in front of his sister's stuffed animals and a slightly confused dog. Zachary had not prepared well for last year's audition, and at the last minute had chosen not to go葉oo embarrassed熔r too scared揺e did not know which. Now, as he stood backstage, he thought about last year. He had been so disappointed in himself as he walked home alone, snuck to his room, and flopped sadly into his bed. "Next year will be different," he vowed then and there. "I will be better prepared." And he was. He just hoped it was enough. His throat was dry, his palms were sweaty, his heart was pounding, but he was ready to face the spotlight. A hushed silence fell across the auditorium as the drama teacher called his name. Zachary Hamilton. Based on the passage, how do you think Zachary will deal with the conflict in the remainder of the story?
A) The literary elements do not provide enough hints as to what might happen next.
B) The literary elements suggest that Zachary is not prepared for this year's audition and will not do well.
C) The literary elements suggest that Zachary learned from last year and will have more success this time.
D)The literary elements suggest that Zachary will choose not to audition.
The answer is C. Zachary has demonstrated that, although he is nervous, he is very well prepared for his audition and has learned from his past mistakes.
Your gonna have to give us a summary of the selection because we don learn the same things you do. After you explain the summary maybe then we can help you with this question.