the conflict heralded the rise of conscription, mass propaganda, the national security state and the FBI. It accelerated income tax and urbanisation and helped make America the pre-eminent economic and military power in the world. The influence and expectations of women and their role in society increased. There was a boom in the economy and industries were enjoying an increase in profits. However inflation was high and, in an attempt to reduce operating costs, businesses laid off workers and reduced wages.
No, some had better owners so they weren’t worked as hard and got a little education while other slaves were worked until they passed out or in some cases died and didn’t get any education.
He respond by call the the Allied D-Day invasion of Normandy his Atlantic Wall
Hopes This Helps:)
Technology is a boon as long as it is our slave. It's when we let it become a master, that it becomes a bane. ... When you say technology is dominating your life, in a sense you are allowing it to do so. As a human being you have a brain, to decide what's wrong, what's not, when to stop, and when to get off.