The U.S and Japan are not in a war, but not at peace either. Japan is damaging the ocean bye whaling (killing whales, no other country in the world does it) over-fishing with mass nets that go for miles, and polluting. The U.S is irritated by this along with several other countries, but have not launched serious ways to stop them as of now.
The Carolingian Empire covered much of the Western and Central Europe but it collapsed in less than hundred years after the death of Charlemagne in 814. Several factors led to the fall of the Carolingian Empire. The division of Frankish lands among the male members of the Carolingian dynasty was a major factor. The Carolingians extended their rule over most Western and Central Europe in less than one half of a century and became regarded as the renewers of the Roman Empire after the Imperial coronation of Charlemagne in 800. The Carolingian Empire achieved its greatest territorial extent during the reign of Charlemagne (768-814) who added Lombardy, Saxony, Danubian Plain and Spanish March to the Realm of the Franks. However, Charlemagne’s empire started to decline already under his successor Louis the Pious (814-840) and collapsed by the end of the 9th century.
The American dream. A husband who holds the job, wife that takes care of the kids, and one or two kids
Indus river (India): Harappa And the city of Mohenjo-daro
Nile river (Egypt): Ancient egyptian pryramid structures, obelisks, System of mathmatics, Medicine development, etc.
Huang he (China): The great wall of china build, development of budda religion, growing rice products.
Tigris-Euphrates (Mesopotamia): The wheel, plow tool, and cut canals and river connections.
the Belt and Road Initiative is one of China's most ambitious projects. It involves partnering with dozens of countries around the world through trade and infrastructure projects, such as shipping lanes, railroads, and airports. Supporters say it's a way for China to invest in emerging markets and strengthen ties