a society without a hereditary aristocary
<span>hostility toward immigrants is t</span>he fear and prejudice many felt toward Germans and Communists during and after World War I expanded to include all immigrants. This triggered a general rise in racism and nativism. During World War I, immigration to the United States had dropped sharply, but by 1921, it had returned to prewar levels. Many Americans blamed the bombings, strikes, and recession of the postwar years on immigrants. Many believed immigrants were taking jobs that would otherwise have gone to soldiers returning home from the war.
The Founding Fathers created the U.S. government to have numerous checks and balances as well as a VERY limited central (federal) government. They did this to prevent a relapse of the tyranny (hence “absolute power”) they dealt with under the British Empire. The American colonies were essentially meant to serve the mother nation (Britain), but the colonists braved the journey to America to establish a new, freer nation with religious freedom as its top priority.
To prove this quote is still relevant today, it’s not unknown that when humans acquire power, it’s very easy for them to abuse that power. Examples of this would be the oligarchies we see in Russia and China with a very small amount of people in power living in a lap of luxury while everyone else lives a subpar life.
The Seminoles were a Native American tribe in Florida, they consisted of other tribes kicked out of their land. They launched raids on settlers in northern Florida and Southern Georgia, so I'm pretty sure if you are being raided by a group of people you want them gone.