Search up information about him. !!
It was usually performed by certain high ranking Japanese Officials and when they suffered a Major blunder in the war, or something that was considered MAJORLY unhonorable, and that's the key here, honor. Honor was HUGE in Japan, your family would consider you worthless if you didn't have honor, so doing something like losing a battle and surrendering were considered cowardly, so to maintain their honor and avoid capture they would commit Seppuku
Portuguese and the dutch established their footholds through military force in Africa and Asia. They Both built fortifications and trading posts to support commercial activity. Unlike the Porteguese who'd just made forts, the Dutch settled permanent post. More land was taken over by Dutch settlers as the Porteguese just stayed along the coast. Because the Porteguese had not permentally settled and colonized their forts, other nations took over and their effects on the region did not last long after their empire had declined.