The Geocentric theory or model proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun rotated around it. Religion played a big role throughout history in trying to perpetuate this scientifically erroneous idea, which started appearing as a biblical perspective pointing towards specific passages in the holy book. A classic one would be Psalms 93:1, in which Earth is described as a static place "established, firm and secured". The church's support of geocentrism can be traced back to literal intepretations of the bible and a refusal to lose credibility and power as science proved them wrong.
Hope this helps!
Lower class servants, both black and white, joined together in the frontier rebellion against the Native American tribes. As a result of witnessing this, the higher (and ruling) class became alarmed, which ultimately increased opposition across racial lines.
The Middle Ages | The Renaissance and the Reformation. Introduction to the Reformation. The Reformation was a 16th-century movement in western Europe that aimed at reforming some doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the establishment of the Protestant churches.
Basically you are imaginig you're visiting athens or sparta. And you are writing to a friend or relative about what you saw, focus on more general things. Choose you'll portray will you be a slave, child, soldiew, wealthy ruler