Defend the colony against Spanish, French, or American Indian attack
Grow mulberry trees (silk worms live off these trees)
NOT sell their land (NO PLANTATIONS)
Pass land down to male heirs
this is for one and im not sure if its helpful enough
Urban - having to do with city living
This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.
¿Sabes identificar las emociones de las personas que te rodean?
¿Cómo lo haces?
Answer: Aunque a veces es difícil, generalemente sí puedo identificar las emociones de quienes me rodean a partir de sus gestos y acciones.
Yo misma suelo intentar ocultar emociones que me hacen sentir vulnerable, como el miedo o la vergüenza. Pero así como yo puedo identificar las emociones de otros a través de sus gestos y acciones, seguramente mis estados de ánimo serán evidentes para quien observa con atención.
Los nervios pueden generar agitación, sudoración, temblor de las manos o cambio en el tono de voz. El enojo puede manifestarse con gestos y miradas que indican ira, e incluso con elevamiento del tono de voz, y el uso de frases agresivas. La alegría puede verse en amplias sonrisas y una fluidez en los movimientos del cuerpo.
Por supuesto, la mejor forma de expresar nuestras emociones es a través del diálogo, no sólo para poder conectarnos unos con otros, sino que además compartir nuestros sentimientos puede ayudarnos a procesarlos.
Henry Hudson explored looked for a way to go west
Michael Fred Phelps II is an American Olympic swimmer who had won numerous medals and world records in the aquatic sport. He retired from his professional career in 2016 after bagging more awards and medals and world records than most swimmers.
<u>Visualization is a technique that enables an individual to use mental training skills to make him perform in the best of conditions without jeopardizing his performance.</u> This strategic daydreaming method enables a swimmer to focus on his performance, something akin to meditation. In this process, the person finds a quiet spot, close his eyes, and think of the ideal scene that he wants to perform in. This will help him feel familiar and not worry about the 'new environment', to give a sense of familiarity.
Ever since his childhood, Phelps has had trouble focusing on a particular point which led to his teachers commenting most on his concentration problem. This visualization process helped him focus on one thing and be confident even under pressure. Thus, <u><em>it is true that Michael Phelps uses visualization and concepts in his preparation.