To start the us policy of containment was made because of the fear of communism spreading. An example of containment is when Russia sent nuclear missiles to cuba which in turn created the Cuban missile crisis, the us then set up a "quarantine" around northern cuba to protect the us. Russia later took the missiles back and tensions fell. Another example is the situation in Berlin, West Berlin was communist, East Berlin was democratic, the communist vision eventually fell with the Berlin wall which promoted democracy. The us also gave billons of dollars to Europe to promote democratic growth. The quarantine is basically against communism and promoting a democratic style.
hearing that George Washington would resign his commission and retire from power, the King said if true that made Washington the greatest man in the world.
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Special courts exist for both civil and criminal disputes. Cases tried in special, limited-jurisdiction criminal courts, such as traffic court or misdemeanor court, may be reheard in a general-jurisdiction trial court without an appeal upon the request of the parties.
Answer: While Native Americans and English settlers in the New England territories first attempted a mutual relationship based on trade and a shared dedication to spirituality, soon disease and other conflicts led to a deteriorated relationship and, eventually, the First Indian War.
poorer social classes i think