Determine if you are already a
U.S. citizen.
You can become a U.S. citizen by birth or through
naturalization. Generally, people are born U.S. citizens
if they are born in the United States or if they are
born abroad to U.S. citizens. You may also derive U.S.
citizenship as a minor following the naturalization of
one or both parents.
; Were you born in the United States or a territory of
the United States?
If yes, you may already be a U.S. citizen.
; Is at least one of your parents a U.S. citizen?
If yes, refer to Form N-600, Application for
Certificate of Citizenship or Form N-600K,
Application for Citizenship and Issuance of
Certificate for more information. If you have a
U.S. citizen parent who is a U.S. citizen by either
birth or naturalization you may already be a
citizen or may be able to apply for a Certificate of
Citizenship based on their citizenship.