A- 'My friends, as we enter a new decade, it should be clear to all of us that there is an unfinished agenda'
Alright, this would't amount to an entire page, but this can be the thesis of the paper. This is how indulgences work: people pay the priests money (or with items) so that their sins will be "forgiven". Basically, the sacrament of confession is paid. The Bible does not instruct us to do things this way. Luther saw this as corruption and based his arguments against the Catholic Church mainly on this concept.
The rhyme scheme is ABBA (Like the band). Night rhymes with sight. Cross rhymes with loss.
"of insects" is an adjective phrase because it's a prepositional phrase that acts as an adjective. It modifies the word "group"; In other words, "of insects" is used to describe the word "group".
a. the reson sally decides to marry someone who is nothing like her father