Sunshine all around
Pouring raining days, but
Rainbows come offer the showers
I love to jump in the puddles splash
No school it’s vacation for a week
Green grass and pretty flowers
Tools And Equipment Found With Ötzi. Ötzi carried some of his tools in his leather belt which had a pouch sewn into it. At the time of his recovery, this belt pouch contained a drill, a flint, dried fungus, a bone awl and a scraper- all tools that would have been useful both in trade and in everyday life.
The insides were blackened and contained plant remains leading to the conclusion that the containers were used to keep a fire alight. (South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology) Stone Disc - Circular piece of Dolomite marble with a hole in the center threaded onto a strip of hide leather tassel.
I think the correct answer is the chief diplomat
Five years to the day that American aviator Charles Lindbergh became the first pilot to accomplish a solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, female aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first pilot to repeat the feat, landing her plane in Ireland after flying across the North Atlantic. Earhart traveled over 2,000 miles from Newfoundland in just under 15 hours.
Unlike Charles Lindbergh, Earhart was well known to the public before her solo transatlantic flight. In 1928, as a member of a three-person crew, she had become the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an aircraft. Although her only function during the crossing was to keep the plane’s log, the event won her national fame, and Americans were enamored with the daring and modest young pilot. For her solo transatlantic crossing in 1932, she was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross by the U.S. Congress.
In 1935, in the first flight of its kind, she flew solo from Wheeler Field in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California, winning a $10,000 award posted by Hawaiian commercial interests. Two years later, she attempted, along with copilot Frederick J. Noonan, to fly around the world, but her plane disappeared near Howland Island in the South Pacific on July 2, 1937. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Itasca picked up radio messages that she was lost and low in fuel–the last the world ever heard from Amelia Earhart.
- <u>Major in Electrical Engineering (power generation):</u>
<em>"Engineering is basically the implementation of laws and principles of science and technology in the practical life by means of research and new inventions for creating a better world."</em>
<u>The set of skills required to be a successful professional:</u>
- <u>Concept of basic laws and principles:</u> As to be a professional one must always thoroughly study the basic concepts of engineering, as it will help to learn more complex things.
- <u>Presentation skills:</u> Presentation of the concept in an organized manner, in a company or firm that one works in, as having presentation skill in must to improve and develop ones career.
- <u>Problem solving ability:</u> Each professional should know how to use different approaches to solve a complex problem, as it brings new knowledge and concepts, when one has the ability to look for solutions and complete the task in the given time.
- <u>Team Work and leadership:</u> Work is always done in coordination when one is doing work inside a firm, as it needs more formal and ethical approach to coordinate with the colleagues and other staff inside the firm. Along with that taking the burden of others being responsible for a team to work properly also is major plus point for any professional to improve his career.
- <u>Looking for more opportunities:</u> There are millions of jobs in the market but we have to explore them, as we will get an idea of the market. Along with that we will get to know the basic criteria to enter a firm or company more easily.