Rossby waves occur at the equatorial. Regions only
downwind of a nuclear power plant
Living in close proximity to a nuclear power plant or coal-burning plant is not something that would be preferable by most people, especially when it comes to living on the downwind side of them, but if I had to choose it will be living downwind of a nuclear power plant. The nuclear power plant is not a polluter of the air, so living downwind of it will not be a problem for the human health. The coal-burning plant, on the other hand, is one of the heaviest polluters of the air, as it releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. This will have very negative effects to the human health, so it is a situation to be avoided if possible. The nuclear plant does comes with a risk, as most things, but the chances are very small that a catastrophe will occur, and even if it does, it doesn't really matter on which side of it the people are living if they are in the same area as the plant.
The resource that helped make Ghana wealthy is (
Tension is created when 2 tectonic plates diverge