The author chose to use words like affectionately, sweet and savory, Treasure chest, and Delicate to show that the tone is sweet and gentle. When the author uses these words, it makes the reader think that they are in a relaxed atmosphere and makes them feel like they are at grandma's house. You could also say it gives the reader an Illusion that they are more comfortable.
John F. Kennedy was an avid supporter of immigration. From the late 1800’s to the 1920’s the majority of the population was dedicated to immigrants coming to America in search of a better life. Many of these immigrants worked hard labor and dedicated many new ideas and inventions to the industry. Breakthrough technologies were introduced by immigrant backgrounds. Kennedy refused to let there be a second class in the caste system, he believed from the start that all men were equal no matter their origins. Immigrations greatly impacted the interpretation and attitudes of society, the work industry, and American History. Much of these reasons are the very ones that Kennedy recognized, and refused to let a democracy be the judge of taking away civil rights from those of a different country.
Karma. Retribution for one's actions.
Ironic. What goes around comes around. You get what you dish out.
He brings a black lamb as a sacrifice.
Odysseus summons the spirit of Tiresias by bringing a lamb to sacrifice. Odysseus is summoning the dead in a way called <em>necya</em>. It means that some dead being has to be sacrificed.
In this case, Odysseus cut off the head of the black lab and fill in the pit with its blood. This way the spirits were attracted. He gave the most of the blood to Tiresias as he was the only one who could prophetize after his death.