Electricity, car runs on gas, coffee maker runs on electricity
Human nature often calls for us to run and take shelter whenever there is danger near by. However, sometimes compassion takes over human nature and thus causes people to risk their lives for the well being of others. Humans are more than their nature intends us to be. If everyone was confined to their natural instincts, there would be no stories of people saving the day.
The answer is : Sheila must save $ 60 per month to achieve her goal.
The price of bathroom remodeling is $ 810.
After 13 months , she has $ 510
Which mean that she has a $ 300 shortage to cover in 5 months.
Which meant she need to save :
$300/ 5 =
$ 60 / month in order to achieve her goal
The answers to your questions are below.☺
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1. If Ben didn't get up early on Mondays, he would go out on Sunday evenings.
2. If Kate had a ticket for the Madonna concert, she would go.
3. If there was a football match on TV this evening, they would not go out.
4. If I didn't have a lot of homework, I wouldn't stay in this evening.
5. If we had to help with the cooking, we couldn't watch a DVD.
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***I'm not completely sure about the last one since the example says "If we didn't...", but I couldn't come up with one that started with that phrase***
I hope this helps you, though!☺