Partly in an effort to defuse calls for more far-reaching reforms, President Eisenhower proposed a civil rights bill that would increase the protection of African American voting rights. By 1957, only about 20% of blacks were registered to vote.
Two roles of magistrate judges are : ( B ) to isuue court orders ( in pre-trial matters ) ; and ( D ) to hear preliminary evidence and decide if a case should be brought to trial. Magistrate judges are appointed by vote of federal district judges for terms of eight years; they can be reelected.
to inspire people to take action to fulfill the nation's principles.
No because it encourages inequality it further influences people's self esteem and worth.
a. how would an economist explain the decline of the alaska king crab fishery?
According to economist, the decline of the Alaska king crab fishery could be compared to Law of diminshing returns. This simply means that, the optimal fishing point was reached before the fishes available started declining leading to the fishing bust that happened in 1980s.
b. explain two programs you could institute to protect the fishery and still allow some crabbing again.
Fishing Time policy: This program would involve the restriction of the fishing activities carried out in the alaska to a given time frame. For example, from september to december. Rather than fishing always as was done.
Fishing Quantity Policy: This program would in involve the restriction of the quantity of fishes to be gotten in the cook inlet and bristol bay by the fishing companies. For example, each company is expected to take only 50kg worth of fish once a week rather than fishing unlimitedly each day.
c. canadians have been very successful in farming salmon in coastal fiords along the coast of british columbia. why have they been successful with salmon when the crab fishery crashed?
This is because, their are series of policies that tends to guide the farming of salmon in the coastal fiords by the Canadians. And, also, salmon is not as demanding as the King Crab fishes.