I will tell you a little bit about what happened. At the end of WWI Germany was made to take blame for WWI. Pay reparations. Have their military cut down and weapons were non existent. This is why WWII happened the Allies disabled them so much they got angry and so the rise of Hitler.
Before the agricultural revolution much of England's farmland was "common" land, since there was far less competition in terms of the land being used for crop cultivation.
Settlers were not to go west of the Appalachian mountains. Further purchases from Indians of land to the east of that line were prohibited. The Indian territories west of the proclamation line would be under the authority of the military.
More than 50 million people
At the height of its power, the empire controlled by Rome contained about 57 million people and extended over a territory of nearly two million square miles (about 5 million square kilometers). It covered territory throughout much of Europe, as well as stretching into the Middle East and North Africa.