Sectionalism refers to being loyal to a certain region in a country, but not to the country as a whole.
This quote comes from the now famous Four Freedoms speech, delivered by Roosevelt as the State of the Union address on January 6, 1941. The international context was very negative. Hitler and his Axis allies were winning in Europe. Britain was greatly menaced and the Japanese were gearing up for all-out war in the Pacific and in Asia.
Roosevelt, aware that scientific progress had eliminated the physical advantage of the USA being separated from Europe and Asia by such vast expanses of water had been arming and funding the British for years and had also increased military spending and the Navy in order to keep Japan at bay.
He knew that once Hitler had conquered Europe and Japan had conquered the East, all the populations and resources of these vast reasons would be used to directly attack the USA, which would eventually find itself in numeric inferiority so in order to prevent such a dark future he chose to send weapons, supplies and money to the British.
It is a day to pray, fast attend services and ask God for forgiveness
Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are significant because they are seen as the time of coming of age, when a child becomes an adult. After these ceremonies Jewish boys or girls become responsible for living according to Jewish Law .
c) The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole peoples
Glorious Revolution
To gain a Protestant ruler
The Glorious Revolution was a revolt against the English King, King James II, in the years 1688 and 1689. King James II was a Catholic and this worried most of his Government and people especially when he started granting Catholics greater statuses. They therefore sought to remove him and after they did explicitly forbade the Monarchy from ever being Catholic.
To support a constitutional monarchy
The public mood during the time was that of a monarchy with some checks on its power from Parliament. King James did not seem to want this and dissolved Parliament in 1687 in order to instill a more subservient Parliament.
To protect Parliament's power.
Another reason for the revolt was a desire to protect the powers of Parliament which King James sought to remove. After the revolt ended, Parliament gained more power than it ever had under the reign of William of Orange and Mary (King James's daughter).
American Revolution
To win independence from Britain
The American Revolution occurred in the years 1775 to 1783 and was primarily done by the Colonies in what is now the USA to free themselves from the rule of Britain. This was done as a result of what was seen as unfair Taxation, Economical and other policies imposed on the Colonies by the British.
To create a Republican Government
Another aim of the Revolution was to have a democratic Government that was elected by the people to serve the people not a Monarch in a country thousands of miles away.
Explanation: trust