The Battle of the Somme, also known as the Somme Offensive, was a battle of the World War I fought by the armies of the British Empire and French Third Republic against the German Empire. It took place between 1 July and 18 November 1916 on both sides of the upper reaches of the River Somme in France.
<span>If I were assigned to propose a treaty ending the Great War in 1918, my goals would be t</span>o establish a world federation that had more power than the League of Nations or even the UN. It would have its own army and the ability to tax nations.
Woodrow Wilson's 14 points were an alternative to the Treaty of Versailles and were excellent post war plans. Germany agreed to all of them and had they been followed would likely have prevented WWII. The reason they were not followed however was because France and Britain thought they were too soft, and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles they thought were more fitting. If this is for school base them off of Wilson's 14.
1. No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at").
2. Free navigation of all seas.
3. An end to all economic barriers between countries.
4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers.
5. All decisions regarding the colonies should be impartial.
6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develop their own political set-up.
7. Belgium should be independent like before the war.
8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine.
9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to "along clearly recognisable lines of nationality."
10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.
11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for
the Balkan states.
12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves.
13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.
14. A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial independence of all states.
Based on these goals and reasons, my treaty would be a little different then Treaty of Versailles.</span>
<span>In retrospect, the goal of the treaty ending the Great War, in 1918, should have been to prevent WWII, which turned out to be worse. </span><span>Unfortunately, the peace treaty that officially ended the conflict--the Treaty of Versailles of 1919--forced punitive terms on Germany that destabilized Europe and laid the groundwork for World War II. So... my treaty would hopefully actually end the Great War without causing, or "just not helping prevent" WWII.</span>
<span>The Treaty of Versailles also included a clause to create the League of Nations. </span>
<span>The US Senate never ratified this treaty. </span><span>Also, the US did not join the League of Nations, despite President Wilson's active campaigning in support of the League. So... hopefully mine would speed up this process.
I hope this helped! : )
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Have a wonderful day! : )
It's the land the one where it all began
6. The answer is C. Since the Cuban revolt against Spain was on the march, the US government decided to send the USS <em>Maine</em> to Havana to protect Americans and American interests on the island.
7. The answer is D. After the sinking of the USS <em>Maine</em> there was a strong notion in American public opinion that Spanish officials in Cuba were to blame. However, the cause of the explosion is not clarified even to this day.
8. The answer is B. President McKinley asked Congress for authorization to send American troops to Cuba to end the war. The public opinion was in favor with this idea since the wreckage of the USS <em>Maine</em> and it was a direct application of the Monroe Doctrine, which states that every country from the Americas shall remain free from bondage to external powers.
9. The answer is A. The treaty of Paris put an end to the Spanish-American war and Spain agreed to relinquish almost all of the remaining Spanish empire. Guam was among the colonies ceded to the US.
10. The answer is B. In 1901 the US government stipulated eight conditions to withdraw the American troops remaining in Cuba after the war, and those conditions limited Cuban sovereignty on commerce, international relations, public debt, among other fields. Cuba, without another alternative, accepted these conditions that set unequal relations between the two countries for the next decades.
At first, Jurgis ignores his injury and continues working. He faints, and the company doctor sends him home, suggesting his injury would take months to heal. The company tells him the company could not be held responsible for his injury. Jurgis lays home in bed worrying about his future and for the first time, thinks he might be defeated.