C. B<span>ritish Settlement and Colonization of Georgia</span>
Leapfrogging, also known as island hopping, was a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against the Empire of Japan during World War II. The key idea is to bypass heavily fortified enemy islands instead of trying to capture every island in sequence en route to a final target.
The main reason why Christianity spread in the Byzantine Empire is that decades prior to the emergence of the Empire, Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, with they Edict of Milan, which he decreed in 313 AD.
We must remember that the Byzantine Empire is simply the Eastern Roman Empire, and when the Middle Ages started, the Byzantine Empire held land that had been christianizing for a over a century. Only a few areas of the Empire had to christianized in the Middle Ages, essentially areas at the edges of the Empire.
It helped bring the state out of a Depression by providing
jobs in the military. Many Americans who fought in that war came
from South Carolina. The State had a
camp where soldiers trained in preparation for that war called Camp Wetherell. South Carolina also supplied funds for its
citizens who joined the war and fought against the Spaniards. Unions were created in the 1800 to 1. to
improve working conditions for industrial workers. Many workers were working in dangerous
conditions with very little pay and they were no longer in favor of such conditions
that they formed unions.