Both early protostars and young stars are formed from a clod of gas which collapses under gravity to form a star. Both types of star are mainly Hydrogen and some Helium. They would be 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium with traces of Lithium. Young stars formed out of the remains of old stars would still be mainly Hydrogen. Another way to say it is Both types of star are mainly Hydrogen and some Helium. Early protostars would have been formed from the gasses that were created soon after the big bang. They would be 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium with traces of Lithium. Young stars formed out of the remains of old stars would still be mainly Hydrogen.
Either communism/socialism
Creation of the Soviet Union from the strains of the Russian Empire within WW1.
<span>The Wasatch Fault sits in Utah and slips in a mainly vertical direction. It has mountains that rise relative to the floor of the valley. It is referred to as a normal fault. The Wasatch Mountains were slowly lifted up and tilted slightly east due to the fault moving. On average throughout history it has lifted roughly 1 millimeter per year thought there are signs that a rapid slip has occurred during the past few thousand years.</span>
The answer is lithosphere.
Earthquakes are caused by shifts in the outer layers of Earth—a region called the lithosphere.