The response that is most accurate is that; with age, your arteries lose their elasticity and are replaced with collagen, which makes your arteries stiffer. Systolic hypertension or pressure is an elevated systolic blood pressure. If the systolic blood pressure is elevated (above 140) with a normal (<90) diastolic blood pressure, it is called the isolated systolic hypertension.
When people say words hurt is bc your feelings com from your brain and when you feel hurt or sad your brain makes the feeling physical. Like if you are depressed then your brain makes you sleep a lot so that you don't have to feel that pain during the day. Also, people can die from a broken hart bc it isn't your physical hart that is feeling everything it is actually your brain so it makes it self sabotage.
I think this is it,
The rocks in the seafloor are much more than the rocks on the continents