The so-called Great Divide roughly follows the crest of the Rocky Mountains. Major Divides. A major divide forms when two rivers flow into the same body of water but do not meet.
I think it is the political divide between Western and Eastern Europe. Here's a picture.
During the build-up to World War II, the Motorschiff St. Louis was a German ocean liner which carried more than 900 Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in 1939 intending to escape anti-Semitic persecution. The refugees tried to disembark in Cuba but were denied permission to land. The captain, Gustav Schröder, went to the United States and Canada, trying to find a nation to take the Jews in, but both nations refused. He finally returned the ship to Europe, where various countries, including the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and France, accepted some refugees. Many were later caught in Nazi roundups of Jews in the occupied countries of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, and some historians have estimated that approximately a quarter of them were killed in death camps during World War II. These events, have inspired film, opera, and fiction
- The puritans of Massachusetts believed that people were completely evil and did not have the freedom to even choose their own salvation unless God chose them and initiated them (predestination).
- Second, they considered the Bible to be the supreme authority (like many other Protestants), but unlike others, they insisted that the Christian should do only what was commanded in the Bible (though they disagreed as to which interpretation of the Bible was best) .
- Third, the Puritans believed that the church should be organized on the basis of Scripture. However, they also disagreed: some advocated the model of a state church, others a church affiliated with the state, and a third a church separate from the state.
- Fourth and most important, they believed that the church should obey the law of God throughout society for glory.
- "In 1760 the legislature of Massachusetts passed the law that "any person able of Body who shall absent themselves from public worship of God on the Lord's Day shall pay ten shillings fine."
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