Mia tribe is a greek social coorperative enterprise which services vulnerable people who are recognised as victims of domestic victims.
In four countries, the gap between male and female literacy among the adult population is greater than 30 percent: Yemen (male literacy rate 73.1 percent, female 34.7 percent, difference 38.4 percent), Central African Republic (male 64.8, female 33.5, difference 32.3), Afghanistan (male 43.1, female 12.6, difference 30.5), and Togo (male 68.7, female 38.5, difference 30.2).
The correct answer is letter C.
Kinesthetic = "relating to a person's awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints."
Social Referencing.
Social Referencing is a process in which an infant learns to take cues from the behaviors, emotions, and actions of the adults around them, especially parents or caretakers. In this process, they take cues by looking at the facial expressions of parents or caretakers to know how to respond in a certain situation.
<u>In the given case, Regina's looking at her mother when an unfamiliar man approached her exemplifies social referencing. She was referring to the facial expressions of her mother on how to react at this approach of a strange person</u>.
Thus the correct answer is social referencing.
The answer is: a Human Resource Inventory.
A human resource inventory, which is also called a skills inventory, is much more than just listing down the names of the employees and contact information. It also includes information needed to identify the qualifications of the personel, therefore it contains, amongst other things, education, skills, job experience, etc.
Organizations use this listing for HHRR planning, also, this inventory is usefull when there are job oppenings in the firm, the listing helps identify potential candidates whithin the firm.