They used sequencing to explain the events of the Glorious Revolution in the order they occurred.
When Lincoln died, the nation was thrown into trying to rebuild from the civil war, multiple slavery sympathizers got government positions so they introduced new stuff that was like slavery but not directly linked to it. Some of those systems still stand today, it’s sad. GOD BLESS AMERICA
<span>That's an interesting question. Feudal Japan had a more formalized and ritualized kind of culture than feudal Europe did; elaborate rules of courtesy applied at all levels of society, whereas European peasants were pretty crude for the most part. In both societies there was a unifying religious principle, which in Europe was Christianity and the authority of the Church, and in Japan was shintoism and the authority of the Emperor. In both cases, a social hierarchy attempted, with considerable success, to control everyone's lives; everyone owed their fealty to someone, except for the kings in Europe or the Emperor in Japan, who didn't owe loyalty to anyone, since there was no higher authority (at least, not counting deities). Both societies had similar types of weaponry (European armor was considerably tougher) and skilled swordsmen were much to be feared and respected. In the lower classes, life was cheap. Neither society had any concept of human rights; only the nobility had rights.</span>
Los humanos debemos actuar basados en los valores éticos y los derechos humanos para evitar violar los derechos de las demás personas.
Reflexión es un término que se refiere a la acción de considerar rigurosamente un:
- Evento
- Situación
- Hecho
- Persona
- Entre otros.
La reflexión es una capacidad humana que le permite a las personas procesar de forma consiente los pensamientos sobre un hecho en particular.
De acuerdo a lo anterior, una reflexión basada en el ejercicio de los derechos humanos para cada situación debe interpretar los derechos humanos planteados por instituciones internacionales como la ONU e interpretar de qué manera aplicarían en cada una de las situaciones.
Una clave para realizar esta reflexión es necesario identificar cuál es el derecho que se está violando y cómo solucionarlo.
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