I am not available for u right now so just donate and establish the amount ur willing to pay.On numerous occasions we get asked a lot if we are helping the right cause .Some people even try annd oppose us but it is prohibited so they dont, they even become very reluctant ,and the think that they are so supperior ,they also yearn for what we have,but we do try and liberate them."So purse your dreams dont let any one stop u"I told him .
1 the accomplishments that i am working on are ...
2the skills i have used in my past assignments are ....
so i came up with two sentence starters to help you.
Dear Principal xyz,
I am not sure if you have noticed or not, but (school name)s sports equipment is completely dilapidated. I, as a student and sports player, am utterly concerned at the condition of the equipment. I’m terrified that one of the students here, or myself, are going to get injured while trying to do what we love. I am hoping that by bringing this to your attention, we could possibly find a way to work out a plan to receive new equipment. I personally believe that we, as hard working sports players, deserve that.
Thank you, kindly, for your time.
Student ID #