Lol here's some advice: always be yourself, no matter what. don't ever change who you are for anybody :)
When you drive your car you can feel freedom to go wherever you want, with the velocity you want, once the velocity is allowed, to stop where you really want. Also you can go all alone, listening to your music style and singing with the radio, like a karaoke.
On the other hand, when you are riding a bus, you have to stop only in the bus stop place, behavior correctly because you are in a common place, respect the other persons, show your educational principles and certainly you are not allowed to sing, smoke or other things that you could do by yourself in your own car.
The overpopulation problem is so dire that selecting some humans to be a food source is a just solution.
There are no reasonable objections to the author's proposal.
Getting married
They had only known each other for a few days and had barely spoken to each other yet they decided to go off and get married without anyone else knowing besides Friar Lawrence.