I go this online so read it and get your answer. Hundred Years’ War, intermittent struggle between England and France in the 14th–15th century over a series of disputes, including the question of the legitimate succession to the French crown. The struggle involved several generations of English and French claimants to the crown and actually occupied a period of more than 100 years. By convention the war is said to have started on May 24, 1337, with the confiscation of the English-held duchy of Guyenne by French King Philip VI. This confiscation, however, had been preceded by periodic fighting over the question of English fiefs in France going back to the 12th century.
Christianity and Judaism have denominations with varied teachings, unlike Islam where the teaching is universal. Christians believe in the Holy trinity while Judaism and Islam believe in God as one. Muslims pray at designated times whereas Christians pray in volition.
Jesus never said to worship him because he was God. He was God, but He gave people a choice, and that choice was to either have relationship with him or never find satisfaction. Jesus came to provide a way into Heaven, of which there was none for man before Jesus came. When he died on the cross he took away all the sin that had ever happened and experienced and forgave all that was yet to come. You should take comfort that Jesus already forgave you for sinning before you did it. We pray to ask forgiveness as a reminder that he cares about us. Jesus showed compassion and love towards every person he met in the bible, including murderers and prostitutes. The only time he got mad in the entire bible was when tax collectors had put up shop in the house of God and turned it into a house of greed. He cares. Getting baptized isn't a way to renew your soul. The water doesn't do anything. The act of getting baptized is a reminder that nothing but the blood that Jesus already spilt can save us. We should be humbled and joyed when we think of the security we were provided with thousands of years ago. I hope you know that I love you as a brother or sister of Christ and that you should try to remember that even Jesus loves the people you hate.
Colonial landowners is the answer
Steer the economy away from the recession and towards growth
The monetary policy is the policy that adapts by the authority of the monetary. It depends on the interest rate that is payable on very short periods. There is another policy named fiscal policy that depends on government taxation and the borrowing of government. This policy manages the cycle of the financial swings such as the recession. The recession is for manipulation of the money supply.
Monetary economics provides economic insight into optimal crafting. The monetary policy is different from the fiscal policy.